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DevOps training course

Syllabus for a comprehensive DevOps training course covering essential concepts and techniques:

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps

  • Overview of DevOps and its principles
  • Understanding the DevOps lifecycle
  • Benefits of adopting DevOps practices
  • Role of DevOps in modern software development

Module 2: Version Control Systems

  • Introduction to version control systems (VCS)
  • Using Git for version control
  • Basic Git commands and workflows (commit, push, pull)
  • Branching and merging strategies
  • Collaborative development using Git and GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket

Module 3: Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Introduction to continuous integration (CI) concepts
  • Setting up a CI/CD pipeline
  • Automating builds and tests using Jenkins
  • Configuring Jenkins jobs and pipelines
  • Integrating version control with CI pipeline

Module 4: Configuration Management

  • Introduction to configuration management
  • Managing infrastructure as code (IaC)
  • Using tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef for configuration management
  • Writing and applying configuration scripts/playbooks
  • Automating provisioning and deployment of infrastructure

Module 5: Continuous Deployment (CD)

  • Introduction to continuous deployment (CD) concepts
  • Automating deployment pipelines
  • Implementing blue-green deployments and canary releases
  • Deploying applications to different environments (development, staging, production)
  • Monitoring and logging deployment activities

Module 6: Containerization and Orchestration

  • Introduction to containers and containerization
  • Using Docker for containerization
  • Creating Docker images and containers
  • Introduction to container orchestration with Kubernetes
  • Deploying and managing containerized applications with Kubernetes

Module 7: Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • Introduction to infrastructure as code (IaC) concepts
  • Using tools like Terraform for provisioning and managing infrastructure
  • Writing infrastructure code using Terraform’s declarative language
  • Managing cloud resources (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) with Terraform

Module 8: Monitoring and Logging

  • Importance of monitoring and logging in DevOps
  • Introduction to monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana
  • Setting up monitoring dashboards and alerts
  • Collecting and analyzing logs using tools like ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
  • Troubleshooting and debugging issues in production

Module 9: Security and Compliance

  • Integrating security into the DevOps pipeline
  • Implementing security best practices for infrastructure and applications
  • Managing secrets and credentials securely
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations and standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)

Module 10: DevOps Culture and Collaboration

  • Fostering a DevOps culture within organizations
  • Building cross-functional teams and collaboration
  • Implementing agile practices and principles
  • Continuous learning and improvement in DevOps

Module 11: DevOps Tools and Ecosystem

  • Overview of popular DevOps tools and technologies
  • Evaluating and selecting tools for specific use cases
  • Integrating and orchestrating DevOps toolchain
  • Exploring emerging trends and technologies in DevOps

Module 12: Case Studies and Best Practices

  • Analyzing real-world DevOps case studies
  • Learning from successful DevOps implementations
  • Best practices and lessons learned in DevOps
  • Applying DevOps principles to solve common challenges

This training covers a comprehensive range of topics in DevOps, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques and best practices. Depending on the participants’ background, learning objectives, and available time, the course content can be adjusted and customized accordingly. Hands-on exercises, labs, and real-world projects will be incorporated throughout the training to reinforce learning and facilitate practical application of DevOps principles and techniques.

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