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Microservices training course

Training content outline for a 5-day Microservices training course:

Title: Mastering Microservices Architecture: Building Scalable and Resilient Systems

Duration: 5 days (40 hours)

Day 1: Understanding Microservices Fundamentals

Session 1: Introduction to Microservices (Duration: 2 hours)

  • Overview of Microservices architecture and its evolution
  • Contrasting Monolithic and Microservices architectures
  • Benefits and challenges of Microservices

Session 2: Principles of Microservices (Duration: 2 hours)

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  • Separation of Concerns (SoC)
  • Loose Coupling and High Cohesion
  • Scalability and Elasticity
  • Fault Tolerance and Resilience

Session 3: Designing Microservices (Duration: 4 hours)

  • Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles and patterns
  • Identifying bounded contexts and defining service boundaries
  • Service decomposition strategies (e.g., by domain, business capability)
  • Communication patterns between Microservices (synchronous vs. asynchronous)

Day 2: Building Microservices Applications

Session 4: Implementing Microservices (Duration: 6 hours)

  • Technologies and frameworks for building Microservices (e.g., Spring Boot, Node.js, .NET Core)
  • Containerization with Docker: Creating Docker images and containers
  • Service discovery and registry (e.g., Eureka, Consul)
  • API gateways and edge services

Session 5: Microservices Development Best Practices (Duration: 4 hours)

  • Design patterns for Microservices (e.g., Saga, Circuit Breaker, Event Sourcing)
  • Handling cross-cutting concerns (e.g., logging, monitoring, distributed tracing)
  • Testing strategies for Microservices (unit testing, integration testing, contract testing)
  • Versioning and backward compatibility considerations

Day 3: Deploying and Managing Microservices

Session 6: Deploying Microservices (Duration: 6 hours)

  • Container orchestration with Kubernetes: Deploying Microservices on Kubernetes clusters
  • Deployment strategies (blue-green, canary, rolling updates)
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for Microservices
  • Monitoring and observability: Logging, metrics, tracing, and alerting

Session 7: Securing Microservices (Duration: 4 hours)

  • Authentication and authorization mechanisms for Microservices
  • Transport security (HTTPS, TLS)
  • API security best practices (OAuth, JWT)
  • Data protection and privacy in Microservices architecture

Day 4: Advanced Microservices Topics

Session 8: Microservices Testing and Quality Assurance (Duration: 6 hours)

  • Testing Microservices in isolation and in integration
  • Contract testing and consumer-driven contract testing
  • End-to-end testing strategies for Microservices
  • Performance testing and resilience testing

Session 9: Microservices Resilience and Fault Tolerance (Duration: 4 hours)

  • Circuit Breaker pattern: Implementing fault tolerance in Microservices
  • Retry strategies and fallback mechanisms
  • Handling eventual consistency and distributed transactions
  • Graceful degradation and graceful shutdown

Day 5: Case Studies, Best Practices, and Hands-on Workshop

Session 10: Case Studies and Best Practices (Duration: 4 hours)

  • Real-world examples of successful Microservices implementations
  • Best practices for designing, building, deploying, and operating Microservices
  • Lessons learned and common pitfalls to avoid

Session 11: Hands-on Workshop (Duration: 8 hours)

  • Guided hands-on exercises to reinforce concepts learned throughout the course
  • Participants will have the opportunity to design, implement, deploy, and test Microservices using relevant tools and technologies

Conclusion and Q&A (Duration: 2 hours)

  • Recap of key takeaways from the training course
  • Open forum for questions, discussions, and clarifications
  • Resources and further reading recommendations for continued learning

This training content provides a comprehensive deep dive into Microservices architecture, covering theoretical foundations, practical implementation aspects, and advanced topics over a 5-day period. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of Microservices principles, design considerations, development best practices, deployment strategies, and operational challenges through a combination of lectures, hands-on workshops, case studies, and discussions.

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